European Die Casting Award 2024

After the great success in 2022, the Association of German Die Casting Foundries (VDD) and the EUROGUSS trade fair are presenting the European Die Casting Competition for the second time. The competition is alsosupported by the Bundesverband der Deutschen Giesserei-Industrie e.V. (BDG), and Aluminium Deutschland e.V.(AD), and the Europäische Forschungsgemeinschaft Magnesium e.V. (EFM). This competition showcases thevariety of applications, the innovative strength, the high level of quality, and the performance of the die castingprocess in the materials aluminium, magnesium, and zinc to the public and customers in a special way.
The entries are divided into categories of materials and evaluated in terms of innovation, quality, economicefficiency, resource-efficient design and degree of difficulty. The three best entries for each material will beawarded prizes. The evaluation of the castings and the award presentations will be performed by an expert jury from both research and practice fields.
At the award ceremony on 16 January 2024, the EUROGUSS awards and certificate will be presented during thepress tour award. The jury's decision will be communicated to the winners in writing at the beginning of December 2023; their decisions are final. In addition, the award ceremony attendees will vote for three audience awards in each casting material category.
To register, please mail the completed form to DGW(at) by September 28, 2023: